Delivery Postcodes
Here is a list of our current postcodes we deliver to in Melbourne. If you don't see your postcode on this list, or you are from another state, give us a call to discuss your options on 03 4823 8239. We would be more then happy to see how we can help.
We also offer free pickup at our Dandenong warehouse: Unit 1/49 Dingley Ave, Dandenong South VIC 3175
Open hours:
Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 15:30
Friday 08:00 - 13:00
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Extra Details:
- MOQ for delivery is $100.
- NO MOQ on pickup.
Current Postcodes | ||
3122 | 3161 | 3194 |
3123 | 3162 | 3195 |
3124 | 3163 | 3196 |
3125 | 3165 | 3197 |
3126 | 3166 | 3198 |
3127 | 3167 | 3199 |
3128 | 3168 | 3200 |
3130 | 3169 | 3201 |
3131 | 3170 | 3202 |
3132 | 3171 | 3204 |
3133 | 3172 | 3785 |
3135 | 3173 | 3786 |
3145 | 3174 | 3787 |
3146 | 3175 | 3789 |
3147 | 3177 | 3801 |
3148 | 3178 | 3802 |
3149 | 3179 | 3803 |
3150 | 3180 | 3805 |
3151 | 3183 | 3806 |
3152 | 3184 | 3808 |
3153 | 3185 | 3910 |
3154 | 3187 | 3912 |
3155 | 3188 | 3913 |
3156 | 3189 | 3930 |
3158 | 3190 | 3931 |
3159 | 3191 | 3933 |
3160 | 3192 | 3975 |
3193 | 3976 |
Pack with Confidence, Pack with JETBOX